Rimóczi Hajnalka – Kiskunmajsa
Hajni started her business in 2002 after completing the Folk Art School in Fót. Laci joined the enterprise in 2004. Their main activity involves researching and creating the complete traditional Hungarian folk costumes based on authentic sources.
Á. Fúrús András – Kiskunmajsa
Fúrús horticulture: annual and balcony flowers
Country House and Bread Bakery – Kiskunmajsa
The Country House and Bread Bakery is one of the oldest architectural landmarks in Kiskunmajsa, faithfully reflecting the characteristics of traditional folk architecture typical of the Kiskunság region.
Mártonné Paragi Julianna – Kömpöc
Márton Collection House – an authentically furnished country house style farmhouse and preservation of tradition.
Tóth Floriculture – Csólyospálos
Plant Alliance Hungary is a horticultural and commercial enterprise that has been engaged in the production and distribution of annual and perennial potted ornamental plant propagation materials for over 20 years.
Local History Collection – Csólyospálos
Archeological findings in the village testify that smaller or larger settlements already existed in the area of Csólyospálos thousands of years ago.
Sárközi Ferenc Regional Museum and the Cultural Center – Bácsfeketehegy
The community of Feketić started to use the Country House in 2014 with the help of funding from the IPA project titled “Cherry and Honey”.
Country House – Jászszentlászló
One of the oldest buildings of Jászszentlászló, maintained in its original style, is in Jókai Mór Street. The house was built at the turn of the century, some time around 1900 by Julianna Győrök and Ferenc Tápai.
Kiskun Memorial Site – Szank
This historical heritage park honors the Cumans, a nomadic people of eastern origin that settled in Hungary in the Middle Ages, in the 13th century. The Cumans found their new home in Hungary during the dreadful years of the Mongol invasions.